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Product expiry & period after opening

At Eve Taylor, we manufacture our products to full GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) production standards – ISO 9001, which is the worlds most recognised standard of manufacturing.

As part of these standards, we must follow strict processes of manufacturing and how we code products to allow for traceability.

The most important aspect to consider is the length of time to use the product within once it has been opened.

If you need to know the date of manufacture for a specific reason, then it is the first five numbers that you need to use.

The first three numbers represent the numerical day of the year, from 001 to 365, the fourth and fifth number represent the year. Any letters or numbers after this are for internal traceability.

For example: 07421345

074: the seventy fourth day of the year = 15th March.

21: the year = 2021. 

345 = Internal traceability code.

Meaning this product was manufactured on 15th March 2021.

How long do I have to use a product once opened?
Once any products are opened, the ‘Period After Opening’ symbol on the product bottle tells you how long you must use the product after it’s been opened. This symbol is also known as the ‘open jar’ symbol and is represented by a jar with an open lid.

The time is given in months, represented by a number followed by “M” inside the jar symbol, for example 12M would mean 12 months (1 year) from opening. 24M would mean 24 Months (2 years) from opening.

The reason for not using an expiry date is our products are cosmetic products and not medical products.

Articles: 78