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The Person

Eve Taylor OBE – Profile 2012

Eve Taylor OBE, is known as one of the world’s foremost authorities on professional aromatherapy and skin and body care – she is regarded by many of her peers across the world as the pioneer of modern day aromatherapy, with much of today’s modern thinking within the profession coming from her original techniques and methods of teaching.

Eve Taylor originally started her career within the UK professional beauty industry in

1963 – Whilst married and bringing up five sons.

Eve Taylor has contributed a great deal of time unpaid to her profession as part of numerous education and professional bodies over the last 45 years, contributing an enormous amount of industry experience and enthusiasm. She has travelled extensively throughout the world (and still continues to do so today). Educating and lecturing many 1000’s of professional therapists, she is regarded by many as a major ambassador for both her country and her profession. Eve Taylor is not only known for her lecturing and education, she is also known for her company and its unique products “Eve Taylor ( London) Limited” which is now one of the UK’s single largest independent manufacturers and exporters of professional skincare and aromatherapy products worldwide.

Eve currently exports over 50% of her UK manufactured products to countries such as, Australia, USA & Canada, Greece, Japan, China, South Korea, Portugal, Finland, Norway, Iceland, South Africa, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Brunei, Slovenia, Lebanon, Ireland, Iceland, Belgium, Malta amongst many others.

Eve Taylor OBE has also developed a number of leading professional aromatherapy and skin and body care formulations across the world. All of which are manufactured in the UK by her company.

Eve Taylor has promoted professional excellence for all of her working life within the UK and beyond. She is known for upholding and maintaining, as well as pushing for the highest of professional standards in education and consumer ethics, which are always at the front of her crusade for consumer safety and increased product knowledge.

Eve Taylor is responsible for setting many of today’s professional beauty industry education standard which are now seen as pillars of today’s profession within the schools and colleges. Her standards of teaching have often been adopted internationally through her work.

All of the Eve Taylor Products contain Natural Herbal Extracts & Naturally cultivated essential oils and are totally paraben free, with no artificial man made or nature identical fragrances used – they are safe to use and effective with almost 50 years of expertise built into each product.

Eve has often been asked to contribute professionally to articles within the popular press and has been invited to appear on television on many occasions; she is often quoted in professional magazines. Eve Taylor OBE is both highly respected and still continues to be a major force and contributor in developing professional policy and industry agendas. Always pushing standards higher and higher to help protect the public from poorly trained professionals and product manufacturers, never frightened to speak out and challenge poor products or practices in the profession or in the education environments.

Eve Taylor OBE has often been referred to as the “founding mother of the modern day aromatherapy” and a visionary within the wellbeing industry – often seeing advantages and benefits of new methods of working. As a consequence, she has never stopped working for the same professional goals and objectives for almost 50 years.

Although the industry has changed a great deal over the last fifty years – even today at 80 Eve Taylor OBE still pushes the boundaries in developing products and education programs that will last well beyond her years.

Eve has also found the time to contribute as a public figure in her profession and has held high office as Chairman of BABTAC (British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology). She has often chaired many influential committees for professional groups in the UK and beyond helping to set policy along the way. She has given an enormous amount of energy and time (unpaid) to teach the students of today to become the leading industry professionals of tomorrow.

Many professional organisations across the world now recognise Eve Taylor OBE as the main catalyst of “aromatherapy” as a global profession, which until the early 1970’s was not even considered as a mainstream therapy. It is now considered as a fundamental treatment to enhance the well being of others in many of today’s leading businesses across the world.

Having been awarded an OBE by the Queen of England in 2008 Eve Taylor has been made a fellow of both the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA) and also FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) which again recognises her contribution to the profession within the UK and across the world, alongside a lifetime achievement award at that BABTAC (British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology) awarded her in 2010.

  • Co-Chief Examiner for City & Guilds Beauty Therapy (7 years)
  • Council Member of BABTAC (BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF BEAUTY THERAPY AND COSMOTOLOGY) for 10 years (2 years as Vice Chairman, 2 years as Chairman, 2 years as Immediate Past Chairman)
  • Founder Member of the IFA – International Federation of Aromatherapists (now a fellow)
  • Lecturer and teacher worldwide for CIDESCO
  • Lifetime achievement award IDI – 2004
  • Founder & Principle of Eve Taylor (London) Limited
  • Text book written in 1968 (Face figure and Fashion)
  • OBE Awarded – January 2008 (see picture below)
  • BABTAC & CIBTAC Award – June 2010 “Lifetime Achievement Award”

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